Executive Order 2020-110 Rescinds Executive Orders 2020-69 and 2020-96

How this applies to golf operations:


  • Alcohol sales may begin June 8, for on-course consumption in Regions 1-5, and 7. Regions 6 and 8 were allowed beginning May 22.
  • According to 2020-110 Section 13, restaurants and bars may open at 50% capacity beginning on June 8, 2020 in Regions 1-5, and 7. Executive Order 2020-97 (Section 8)


Golf Carts

  • The Michigan Golf Alliance has confirmed with the Office of the Governor that two riders are allowed per golf cart starting June 8 in accordance with restaurant regulations.



  • Indoor social gatherings and events among persons not part of a single household are permitted immediately, but may not exceed 10 people. (Section 5)
  • Outdoor social gatherings and events among persons not part of a single household are permitted immediately, but only to the extent that:
  • The gathering or event does not exceed 100 people, and
  • People not part of the same household maintain six feet of distance from one another. (Section 6 a and b)
  • Day camps for children may open as of June 8.
  • Public swimming pools may open as of June 8, provided that they are outdoors and limit capacity to 50% of the bather capacity limits. Indoor public swimming pools must remain closed.
  • Indoor gyms and fitness centers remain closed. (Section 12b)



  • Stores that were closed under Executive Order 2020-96 may reopen on June 4. Such stores may then resume normal operations, subject to local regulation and to the capacity constraints and workplace standards described in Executive Order 2020-97 Section 6 or any order that may follow from it.



The Michigan Golf Alliance confirmed with the Office of the Governor that clinics and camps may resume immediately (reference Section 14).

The restrictions imposed by sections 12 and 13 of this order do not apply to any of the following: Outdoor fitness classes, athletic practices, training sessions, or games, provided that coaches, spectators, and participants not from the same household maintain six feet of distance from one another at all times during such activities, and that equipment and supplies are shared to the minimum extent possible and are subject to frequent and thorough disinfection and cleaning.

Read Executive Order 2020-110