New COVID Order Requires Bars To Keep Patron Logs For Contact Tracing-Starting November 2
All other sections of the order have immediate effect.
Press Release Highlights from MDHHS:
As part of the newly extended orders, MDHHS today (October 29) reduces from 500 persons to 50 persons the maximum gathering size for indoor gatherings such as weddings, parties, and banquets which occur in nonresidential settings without fixed seating.
For bars, restaurants, and social events outside private homes, indoor party sizes at a single table are now restricted to six people. Because individuals remove their masks while eating and drinking in indoor settings, seated tables with people from different households create high risks of spread.
Like many other businesses in Michigan, bars and restaurants will also be required to take names and contact information to support effective contact tracing if necessary.
Because cases are now at a high level statewide, the order treats all regions of the state the same. The Traverse City region previously had fewer restrictions due to lower COVID-19 rates and has now been moved into Phase 4 of the MI Safe Start system, joining the rest of the state.
Enforcement of the new order will consider violations punishable by a civil fine up to $1,000 and may also be treated as a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than six months or a fine of not more than $200.
Starting Nov. 2 restaurants and dine-in food establishments must collect and maintain records of names and phone numbers of customers who purchase food that will be consumed on the premises. These records must include the date and time of entry. READ HERE on Gathering and FACE Mask Order from MDHHS. All other sections of the order have immediate effect.